The NASW-Illinois Chapter is opening a call for presentations that are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. We are seeking one-hour presentations that are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. Proposals should have dynamic presenters who can lead social workers through discussions and peer-sharing about topics relating to social work practice and must fulfill IDFPR requirements for CEU education.
SUBMIT YOUR PRESENTATION: https://naswil.wufoo.com/forms/call-for-presenters-2021-nasw-chapters-conference/
DEADLINE: Monday, April 12, 2021
Accepted proposals will be notified in late May and will be expected to confirm their presentation placement within a week.
Further Conference Details:
2021 NASW Chapters Conference (Live Virtual)
Dates: Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22, 2021
Registration: Conference registration will be available in June 2021.
Schedule and Classes: Complete conference schedule and classes will be announced in July 2021.
Advertise: Promote your organization in our Exhibit Hall, the Conference Marketing Brochure, or Co-Sponsorship! Click here to be notified when those options are announced.