Lynn Zakeri, Northeastern District Chair

Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were peaceful and relaxing, and that you are feeling refreshed and ready for this new decade of strength. The theme for Social Work Month 2020 is Social Workers: Generations Strong.
We are kicking off the new year right with a 3-hour ethics CEU event!
Please join me in Evanston at Westminster Place (our hosts are already generously asking me about menu planning) where we will have Jonathan Nye, attorney, present on the social worker's role in our courts. This ethics event will cover aspects of family law, probate, guardianship, worker's comp, social security, disability, and child abuse-related matters. I am already looking forward to hearing it and seeing many of you.
Click the Wufoo link for parking and directions, as well as how to register:
2020 will bring a lot of excitement, with Social Work Month coming up in March.
Happy New Year, and see you in a few weeks!
