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NASW Practice Alert: It’s Time for Medicare Annual Enrollment: Help Your Clients Get Ready for 2023

The Medicare annual election period, also known as the open enrollment period (OEP), opened on October 15 and ends on December 7. During this time, people who are already enrolled in Medicare can review, compare, and change their coverage options. Changes made during the 2022 OEP affect coverage between January 1 and December 31, 2023.

The Medicare OEP differs from the initial enrollment period for people newly eligible for Medicare. It is also distinct from Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment, which occurs November 1 through December 15. (Learn about the relationship between the marketplace and Medicare.)

This Practice Alert addresses the following topics:

  • profile of Medicare beneficiaries and the significance of annual enrollment

  • overview of Medicare coverage options

  • allowable changes during the Medicare OEP

  • ways in which social workers can help clients during the Medicare OEP

  • beneficiary out-of-pocket (OOP) costs associated with various types of Medicare coverage

  • reduced-cost insulin and free vaccines as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (Pub. L. 117-169)

  • Medicare OEP tools and resources, including detailed information about navigating Medicare Plan Finder

  • financial assistance for Medicare beneficiaries

  • messaging regarding Medicare Advantage (MA) and original Medicare

Read more here or download the PDF version here.

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