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NASW is a membership association with over 150,000 members, over 7,000 of which belong to the NASW-Illinois Chapter. One of the biggest benefits of being a member of NASW is access to staff members at the NASW-Illinois Chapter office who are knowledgeable about a number of common social work questions. Due to the large amount of queries we receive and the attention we want to be able to provide our paying membership, the NASW-Illinois Chapter focuses its attention on our member queries. Consider becoming a member today to support this vital service to our membership! 

  • To read more on the benefits of becoming a member, click here.

  • To become a member now, click here.

                                                                 For FASTEST Response: NASW members can

                                                                        submit their question through the NASW Illinois

                                                                        community in MyNASW.

Question about an upcoming NASW-IL event?
  • If you are inquiring about an upcoming NASW-Illinois Chapter training, please check your e-mail for confirmation language as well as e-mail payment receipts which are sent out automatically from our payment system, Stripe. If you are unable to locate the -mail, please check your spam folders and, for those with Gmail, your Promotions folder. To ensure receiving all future event links, materials, and your CEU certificate, we strongly recommend adding our events e-mail (, and our office account ( to your approved sender list.

  • For our event cancellation policy, please see the event registration form or your event confirmation e-mail.

  • To request CEUs from a past NASW-IL event: All CEU certificates for NASW-Illinois Chapter courses should be sent via e-mail or mail within 45 days after the event. Need another copy of a CEU certificate? Please complete our Request for Duplicate CEU Certificate form.

Question about NASW membership?

To join/renew/reinstate your NASW membership or update your member profile, please contact the NASW Member Services at 800.742.4089 or

For questions about liability/malpractice insurance with NASW, go to NASW Assurance Services

Question about getting and renewing your LSW/LCSW license or supervision?

The NASW-Illinois Chapter website is a wealth of free knowledge available to both members and nonmembers alike. Go to our Licensure Overview page for information about: Licensure Steps, Supervision, our Licensure Review Course, Licensure Renewal, and CEU Requirements.

For specific questions re: your license, contact the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) who ultimately approve and issue licenses and renewals for the state of Illinois. 

For questions on the licensing exam, contact the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB).

Need to file a complaint about a social worker?

File a Complaint with IDFPR: The Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is the licensing board for ALL social workers in Illinois and ultimately have oversight over them. They can take formal complaints here. If your complaint is sustained, they can revoke or suspend licensure of the clinician.

Submit a Request for Professional Review Against an NASW Member: NASW promotes the quality and effectiveness of social work practice. Professional review is a collaborative process between chapters and the national office to provide a peer review of alleged unethical conduct of its members.


The professional review process is designed to correct and improve the practice of individual social workers as needed. The actions of the process are intended to be constructive and educative rather than punitive. Only in cases of serious misconduct may penalties be imposed.

If you would like submit a request for professional against an NASW member, click here to learn how to complete and submit a request for professional review.

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Si su pregunta va más allá de la información proporcionada anteriormente, complete el formulario a continuación. Proporcione la mayor cantidad de detalles posible sobre su pregunta. Tenga en cuenta que se da prioridad a las consultas de los miembros actuales de NASW.


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Los miembros de NASW pueden enviar su pregunta a través de la comunidad de NASW Illinois en MyNASW para obtener una respuesta más rápida.

Capítulo de Illinois de NASW

Contacte con el Capítulo

Servicios para miembros de la NASW nacional

800-742-408 9

Lunes a viernes: 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m. CST


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© 2024 Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Sociales, Capítulo de Illinois. Todos los derechos reservados. Política de privacidad

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