Acerca de los eventos del capítulo de Illinois de NASW
¡NUEVO! Nota sobre programas remotos: Requisito de CEU presencial : con la eliminación del requisito de CEU presencial en julio de 2023, el estado ahora requiere que cualquier programa remoto (por ejemplo, autoaprendizaje, estudio de libros o cursos en línea o por computadora) incluya un examen. Consulte las preguntas frecuentes en nuestra página de requisitos de CEU para obtener más información.
Todos los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados son los de los oradores y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista o posiciones del Capítulo de NASW-Illinois.
¿Quieres ver más eventos? ¡ Estamos buscando lugares y presentadores locales para ofrecer programación tanto en persona como en vivo virtualmente! Si tienes sugerencias para cualquiera de los dos, comunícate con el capítulo para presentarlos.
Además de los eventos de los capítulos, nuestros presidentes de distrito también son responsables de organizar 4 eventos al año para su distrito. Tenga en cuenta que los eventos de distrito suelen ser el resultado de los esfuerzos de un solo voluntario para planificar, organizar y ejecutar. Si desea ofrecer su tiempo como voluntario para ver más eventos en su área o hacer sugerencias de oradores o lugares, comuníquese con el presidente de su distrito .
¡Reciba los eventos de NASW-IL en su bandeja de entrada! Para recibir un correo electrónico mensual de NASW-IL con nuestras últimas ofertas de eventos, haga clic aquí para agregarse a nuestra lista de correo.
Lea nuestros Protocolos de salud y seguridad COVID-19 completos para todos los eventos en persona aquí .
Todos los cursos ofrecidos a través del Capítulo de Illinois de NASW cumplen con los requisitos de educación continua para LSW, LCSW, LPC, LCPC, LMFT, RN, APN, LCP y LMFT con licencia en Illinois, según lo exige el Departamento de Regulación Financiera y Profesional de Illinois (IDFPR). NASW-IL también es un proveedor de desarrollo profesional autorizado aprobado por la Junta de Educación del Estado de Illinois para PEL (anteriormente Tipo 73) para trabajadores sociales escolares.

About the Social Work Online CE Institute
The Social Work Online CE Institute is a third party entity offering hundreds of recorded continuing education trainings from both the NASW-Illinois Chapter as well as other NASW Chapters around the United States.
Are Social Work Online CE Institute courses accepted by IDFPR in Illinois?
All Social Work Online CE Institute courses are accepted for continuing education by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) with completion of our validation form with completion of our validation form (when purchasing a course, see course materials for instructions on validating a CE Institute course for IL license holders).
What about other state licensing boards?
For attendees outside of Illinois, please note that NASW accreditation does not imply automatic acceptance by all state boards. Individuals should check with their state licensing board on whether a specific program will be accepted for continuing education purposes.
I'm having difficulty accessing a training/CEU I purchased from the Social Work Online CE Institute.
The Social Work Online CE Institute is managed separately from the NASW/NASW-Illinois Chapter, and you will need to go to them directly for any issues with a training purchased from them. Visit their website and go to the menu at the bottom of the page for technical assistance by phone, email, or immediate support. There are FAQs available as well in each course under the Help tab.
NEW! New to this licensure cycle with the removal of the in-person CE requirement, IDFPR now requires that any CEUs obtained via a remote program (e.g., self-study, book-study, or computer/internet based course) must include an examination.
If you take a course from the Social Work Online CE Institute and want to apply those CEUs for Illinois licensure, you will need to complete our post-event Social Work Online CE Institute Exam for IL License. Please note this form will validate courses taken from the Social Work Online CE Institute ONLY for those who hold Illinois licenses (LSW or LCSW).
All of the below courses are accepted by IDFPR and will count toward your
Illinois LSW and LCSW renewal requirements.
For a full list of NASW-Illinois recorded trainings available for purchase in the Social Work Online CE Institute, click here.
Social Work Licensure Test Review Course – 8.0 CEUs
A Conversation About Healing Racism – 1.5 Cultural Competency CEUs
Affirming Practice with LGBTQ Youth and Families – 2.5 Cultural Competency CEUs
Affirming Social Work Practice for LGBTQ+ Youth and Families – 1.0 Cultural Competency CEUs
Cultural Competence in a Changing World – 1.5 Cultural Competency CEUs
Healthy Boundaries for Social Workers – 2.0 Cultural Competency CEUs
See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical – 3.0 Cultural Competency CEUs
Ethical Considerations for Interrupting Implicit Bias – 1.5 Ethics CEUs
Ethics and Boundaries in a World of Technology – 3.0 Ethics CEUs
Ethics: Understanding the Social Worker’s Role in our Courts – 3.0 Ethics CEUs
Medical Ethics through the Social Work Lens – 1.0 Ethics CEU
Telehealth Ethics and Continuity Care During COVID-19 – 3.0 Ethics CEUs
Social Work with Persons Living with Dementia and their Families: Challenges and Opportunities – 1.5 CEUs (fulfills IL Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Training requirement)
Implicit Bias: From Allyship to Solidarity – 1.0 CEU (fulfills IL Implicit Bias Training requirement)
Reflections on Mandated Reporting – 1.0 CEU (fulfills IL Mandated Reporter Training with Implicit Bias requirement)
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – 1.0 CEU (fulfills IL Sexual Harassment Prevention Training requirement)