A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference
October 21 & 22, 2021
We’re excited to see everyone this year at the A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Virtual Conference. To help you prepare for this live virtual event, we’ve put together this document so you can show up at the conference ready to learn, grow, and connect with other professionals in your field.
Pre-Conference Instructions
This year’s A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Virtual Conference will be taking place live virtually on Thursday, October 21 & Friday, October 22, 2021. Participation on the day of the conference requires TWO STEPS to get you ready:
Activating your registration by logging into the virtual conferencing platform, and
Downloading the Zoom program.
You will need to activate your registration before the day of the conference in order for chapter staff to be able to provide assistance with your registration. On the day of the event, staff time will be entirely devoted to facilitating the conference, and any login issues may not be addressed in time to ensure receiving your continuing education hours (CEUs) in full. NOTE: We are not responsible for the reduction/non-issuing of CEUs due to registrant issues the day of the conference.
STEP ONE: Activating Your Registration
If prompted for a code, type in: 102121
Enter in the e-mail address you used when registering for the conference. Click the blue “Next–>” button.
If this is your first time logging in: you will be asked to create an account. Create a password and accept the terms of service to create an account. Then follow the prompts to create a profile. You will be asked to verify your e-mail address—simply check your e-mail address for the verification e-mail, and verify the account. When you next click the above link to the conference platform, you should be able to log into your new Attendify account.
If you have previously logged in: you will be asked for your password. If you do not know your password, select “Forgot password?” to reset your password.
If you get a red “Restricted access. Please contact the organizer,” message: the system cannot match your e-mail address to one on the registration list. Please be sure to double check the spelling of your e-mail address and check your registration receipt for what e-mail was used to register you for the conference.
If you are still experiencing login issues, reach out to NASW-IL for assistance: office.naswil@socialworkers.org.
--> Want to learn more about the virtual conferencing platform? Scroll down to the “Virtual Conferencing Platform” section for additional information how to navigate the platform, find the conference schedule and workshops, and download workshop handouts.
STEP TWO: Prepare Your Tech
--> Tip 1: We strongly recommend signing into the training 15 minutes early on a desktop computer or laptop that is physically hardwired to the internet (not connecting via WiFi if possible); using a tablet or cell phone is discouraged.
--> Tip 2: Turn off any pop-up blockers on your web browser.
First time using Zoom? Unsure about your audio and video tech? Join a test meeting with Zoom to check your settings.
Go to http://zoom.us/test to join a Meeting Test.
When prompted by your browser, click “Open Zoom Meetings.” If you don’t have Zoom installed onto your computer, follow the prompts to download and install Zoom.
The test meeting will display a pop-up window to test your speakers. Follow steps for testing your tech. For more help, go to the Zoom Meeting Test tutorial: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115002262083-Joining-a-Test-Meeting
A prompt to upgrade your Zoom account may appear—disregard this prompt as you will not be kicked out of the training at any time if you have a free Zoom account.
Need more Zoom assistance? Go to the Zoom “Getting Started” page for further assistance: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697. You can also contact them directly on their webpage to receive further support.
Mac Users: It is highly recommended to download the Zoom software ahead of time (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362233-Where-Do-I-Download-The-Latest-Version-). If you are unable to do so, you will still be able to use your browser to attend the session, but please be patient. You will have to wait a couple of seconds and "X" out the box prompting you to download the software before a blue link appears just below on the browser page to join the meeting from your browser.
Day of Conference Instructions
Prepare Your Work Station
If possible, have your desktop or laptop computer manually hardwired into the internet to avoid any dips in connectivity speeds during the day. Participation on a tablet or cell phone is strongly discouraged.
Move to a quiet place, away from distractions, where you will be comfortable and able to focus.
Turn off any pop-up blockers your browser may have enabled. This may prevent your ability to participate in any polls that take place during the conference.
Have your computer plugged into an electrical source so you don't potentially have the conference cut out due to a battery outage. Else, make sure to have a charger and an outlet at an accessible distance.
Conference Check-In
Conference attendees can begin logging into conference beginning at 12:00pm Central Time / 10:00am Pacific Time / 11:00am Mountain Time. We strongly suggest all attendees logging in during this time to allow time for troubleshooting any issues with sound or video before the conference start time. All educational sessions will begin at 12:30pm Central Time / 10:30am Pacific Time / 11:30am Mountain Time.
Navigating the Conference Main Page (Town Hall)
After logging into the virtual conferencing platform, you will see the conference main page (Town Hall).
--> Speaker and Sponsor Information
From the Town Hall page, look to the far left and click on “Speakers” or “Sponsors” to find further information about this year’s A Meeting of the Profession speakers and sponsors.
--> Conference Schedule & Workshop Materials
From the Town Hall page, look to the far left and click on “Schedule.” A list of each day’s schedule can be found here. Additionally, click on a training and scroll down the page to read full workshop descriptions, see speakers and speaker bios, and download workshop Power Point slides and handouts (if available). NOTE: Handouts have been uploaded for a workshop if a presenter has provided them for sharing. Not all workshops will have handouts. Some presenters may provide materials with the chapter after the conference. If this occurs, check back in a week to see if materials have been uploaded.
--> Activity Stream
Connect with other conference attendees on the Activity Stream! Log in now to post about what you’re most excited about for this year’s conference and what you hope to learn. From the Town Hall page, find the Activity Stream in the central column, or look to the far left column and click on “Activity Stream.”
During the Conference
Pay attention during each session to get the CEU word for each session (required if receiving CEUs). For more about earning CEUs, see “Education and CEUs” section below.
Follow all directions given by chapter staff and presenter(s).
Pay attention and participate when prompted through to the end.
Stay logged into the virtual conferencing platform. If you accidentally exit out, rejoin the conference immediately. Leaving the conference early may result in deducted CEUs.
Have a question? There will be moments throughout the speaker’s presentation to pause and take audience questions. Use the Chat or Q/A function located on the bottom toolbar of the Zoom screen to submit your question. Time permitting, we will do our best to address all relevant questions. The presenter will also share their e-mail at the end of the presentation for follow-up questions. Chapter staff will also be answering questions to the best of their knowledge in the Chat or Q/A functions.
Workshop Handouts
Go to the Town Hall page, look to the far left and click on “Schedule.” A list of each day’s schedule can be found here. Additionally, click on a training and scroll down the page to read full workshop descriptions, see speakers and speaker bios, and download workshop Power Point slides and handouts (if available). NOTE: Handouts have been uploaded for a workshop if a presenter has provided them for sharing. Not all workshops will have handouts. Some presenters may provide materials with the chapter after the conference. If this occurs, check back in a week to see if materials have been uploaded.
Education and CEUs
Please be sure to log in early on the day of the conference and to stay through to the end. Be sure you are logged into the virtual conferencing platform and actively involved in the workshops to receive credit. While we understand there are many extenuating circumstances that may attribute to a late arrival, we can only issue CEU hours for time you are actually logged into the conference. Therefore, if you require the full day of CEUs, make sure to arrive early each and stay through to the end of the conference. Late arrivals or early departures from the conference may result in deducted CEU credits.
Please note that you are not restricted to attend any workshop you’ve entered. You are free to leave a workshop and attend another if the training does not meet your expectations.
How Do I Earn My CEUs?
Please read carefully as our CEU verification system differs from our usual CEU tracking system for virtual trainings.
To track attendee CEUs, we will be utilizing Zoom analytics and CEU code words for each session to track your participation. To receive your CEUs, you will need to complete the following:
Get the CEU Word for Each Workshop. For each workshop you attend during the conference, there will be a CEU code word provided by a chapter staff person at some point during the session. Please be sure to pay attention and write down the CEU code word for your records. Do not leave the session until you have received this code word.
Complete the Post-Conference Survey. Immediately upon conclusion of the second day of the conference, you will receive an e-mail from the NASW-Illinois Chapter for a conference survey. You will need to key in the CEU code words for each workshop you attended as well as complete the form in full. Be sure to click submit at the end. It is critical that you complete the survey ASAP in order to receive your CEUs. All CEUs will be e-mailed before November 30, 2021.
If you do not receive the conference survey after the conference, be sure to check your e-mail’s spam folder. If you still cannot find the conference survey, contact the NASW-Illinois Chapter by e-mail (office.naswil@socialworkers.org) and request being resent the survey link.
Conference CEUs
Participants attending this year’s A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference can receive up to 8.0 CEUs for attending the full, 2-day conference. To receive the maximum CEUs, you must attend the following:
Day One, Four Sections (A, B, C, & D) – 1.0 CEU each, 4.0 CEUs for the day
Day Two: Four Sections (A, B, C, & D) – 1.0 CEU each, 4.0 CEUs for the day
Additional CEU Information
For licensing questions pertaining to your state chapter, please check your local state chapter website.
NASW-Illinois Chapter 2019–2021 IDFPR Licensure Renewal Requirements: https://www.naswil.org/post/2019-2021-idfpr-licensure-renewal-changes
Nevada Social Work Licensure: https://naswnv.socialworkers.org/Professional-Development/Licensing
North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners: https://www.ndbswe.com/
Need more CEUs?
Check out the Social Work Online CE Institute for recorded CEUs on a whole host of topics! https://naswinstitute.inreachce.com/
CEU Certificates
Participants are responsible for providing current contact information when submitting their conference survey responses. The NASW-Illinois/Nevada/North Dakota Chapters are not responsible for CEUs that are not received by conference participants if contact information is not current. The A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference is approved to provide continuing education credit for licensure in Illinois, Nevada, and North Dakota.