The NASW-Illinois Chapter is looking for presenters!
This year's annual conference has been announced! This year's 2023 NASW Chapters Conference: A Meeting of the Profession will be a two-day conference hosted with our sister chapters, NASW-Nevada and NASW-North Dakota, and take place live virtually on Thursday, November 2 & Friday, November 3, 2023. The conference will be hosted on Pheedloop, an online conference platform. Presenters are invited to submit presentations on all topics relating to the social work profession (1.5-hour in length) as well as specialty topics on cultural competency, ethics, implicit bias, and suicide prevention (various lengths).
Presentation Requirements:
We are seeking presentations on the following topics and course lengths:
General Courses: 1-1/2–hour length
Cultural Competence: 1-1/2–hour length
Implicit Bias: 2-hour length
Suicide Prevention: 2-hour length
Ethics: 3-hour length
Preference will be given to dynamic presenters whose presentations are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. All presentations must fulfill IDFPR requirements for CEU education and should lead participants through discussions and peer-sharing about topics relating to social work practice.
There is a maximum of two presenters per proposal. Presentations with more than two presenters will not be permitted.
Presentation Materials to Prepare:
To expedite the process of submitting your proposal, please have the following materials/information assembled before submitting the form:
Presenter (and co-presenter, if applicable) digital headshot
Presenter (and co-presenter, if applicable) bio
Presenter (and co-presenter, if applicable) CV/resume
Presentation description
Presentation objectives
General breakdown of presentation in approx. 15-minute intervals
Teaching methods employed for presentation
100-word marketing description of presentation
Availability of presenter (and co-presenter, if applicable) to present on conference dates (November 2 & 3, 2023)
Please note that you cannot partially submit the proposal form without all elements completed. We strongly suggest having all of the above information assembled before starting to submit your proposal.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, June 26, 2023
Accepted proposals will be notified in early July and will be expected to confirm their presentation placement within a week.
Further Conference Details:
2023 NASW Chapters Conference: A Meeting of the Profession
Conference Website: https://www.naswil.org/conference
Dates: Thursday, November 2 & Friday, November 3, 2023
Registration: Conference registration will be available in August 2023
Schedule and Classes: Complete conference schedule and classes will be announced in August 2023
Advertise: Promote your organization in our Exhibit Hall, the Conference Marketing Brochure, or Co-Sponsorship! Click here to be notified when those options are announced.