Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP East Central District Chair

“Social Working” through the Holidays
Social workers, like many healthcare workers and service providers, face some unique challenges during this season. Not only do we need to continue to care for ourselves while trying to take care of others, but we may have to do it with additional personal commitments, changing schedules, more frequent illness, and extra financial burdens. This is a tall order! Meanwhile, our clients might also need additional support as the holiday season can be a powerful trigger for feelings of grief and loss and for trauma-related symptoms. Are you facing additional burdens that feel disproportionate, unfair, or overwhelming? Or have you found strategies to minimize, simplify, and de-stress your holiday season? No matter where you are or how you are feeling today, take a moment to read this article from SAMHSA about “Holiday Triggers for Trauma,” and consider what you can do for yourself and others this season to adapt and find positive meaning in the festive chaos! Link:
An Update from Your East Central District Chair
As a reminder, I will be on maternity leave from February through April. I will return in May! I will have email access (, so please don’t hesitate to reach out! But if you need an immediate response, please feel free to contact the NASW-IL chapter with any questions! I look forward to being back together with you all when I return in the spring!
Thank you,
Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP

New Student Loan Repayment Program Launches for Community Behavioral Health Care Professionals
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) has launched the application for a student loan repayment assistance program to support qualified mental health and substance abuse professionals. The Community Behavioral Health Care Professional Loan Repayment Program is designed as an incentive for recruitment and retention of those who practice in underserved or rural areas. Read the full article here:
NASW-Illinois Chapter Announces 2022 Illinois General Election Endorsements
While every election seems pivotal, the upcoming election will greatly determine the future of social work and human services in Illinois. Many of the crucial decisions that impact funding for human services, reforms for DCFS and DOC, and protections for our clients in the state will be made by leaders elected by Illinois citizens on November 8th. Therefore, it is crucial to endorse candidates who support legislation and policies consistent with the goals of the social work profession. Read the full list of NASW-IL endorsements for the 2022 Illinois General Election here:
NASW-IL Statement in Support of the Anjanette Young Ordinance
The National Association of Social Workers, Illinois Chapter (NASW-IL) stands in solidarity with and in support of Anjanette Young and the proposed legislation created in her honor, the Anjanette Young Ordinance. This ordinance would, among other requirements, ban no-knock warrants, require that officers wait at least 30 seconds during knock and announce raids to give residents a chance to open the door to their home, thus implementing common sense policy and procedural changes surrounding warrants and safeguarding the human rights of Chicago citizens. Read more here:
Other Chapter News
· Ask NASW-IL: What do I need to renew my LSW/LCSW license in 2023?
· IDFPR Waives License Restoration Fees for LCSWs through 01/01/28:
· NASW-IL Full Statement on ASWB Test Analysis:
For more news, go to the NASW-Illinois Chapter News page: