Brent Diers, LCSW, and Mary E. Garrison, LCSW, ACSW
NASW-Illinois Chapter Ethics Committee
DEADLINE: Monday, May 31, 2021
The NASW-Illinois Chapter Ethics Committee (CEC) is seeking new members. This is a great opportunity for chapter members to guide and lead the chapter in the exploration of new territory and expanding our vision in all ethical areas. As social workers, we have a mandate to “do the right thing." Our code of ethics assists us in carrying out this mandate and is an important compass of professional integrity. The journey “to do the right thing” offers challenging themes and a unique ethical landscape with our present day demands.
The current CEC consists of six members who currently provide ethics-related education and training as well as assistance with professional review. We are eager to expand our committee membership as we focus on the future direction of the committee. Current goals of the CEC include the following.
Develop a survey to gather feedback from the chapter membership regarding ethics and emerging areas of focus. Review feedback and create recommended advisories
Explore and evaluate other NASW Chapter Ethics Committees practices
Identify parameters for a future working group on ethical practice and education
Create Ethics Committee member description for future recruitment
Present recommendations to NASW-Illinois Chapter Board of Directors
Assist NASW-IL staff in identifying and developing possible speakers and CEU presentations based on chapter board-approved advisories.
We hope you will consider joining the CEC as a way to influence future ethical practice with clients, as colleagues, in practice settings, as professionals, to the profession and in broader society.
Brent Diers, LCSW, NASW-Illinois Chapter Ethics Committee Chair
Mary E. Garrison, LCSW, ACSW, NASW-Illinois Chapter Ethics Committee Member, East Central District, & Board Member