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Providing Telehealth/Teletherapy During Coronavirus Outbreak

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

The NASW-Illinois Chapter has received questions from concerned clinical practitioners about how best to meet with clients in light of developments regarding the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Illinois. We have gathered the following considerations if you are thinking about how to continue seeing your clients during this period.

  • Because of the Travel Health Alert issued by the CDC on March 4, we recommend rescheduling or conducting telehealth/teletherapy sessions, if possible, for clients who have traveled to countries with a Level 3 alert (China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy) within the past 14 days.

  • Per the Social Work Licensing Board, regulations generally require that you be licensed in the state where the client is physically located at the time of service. If you want to inquire about exceptions or reciprocity, you will need to contact the state boards about possible exceptions.

  • Review your malpractice insurance policy regarding provisions around telehealth/teletherapy and where it is provided (e.g., from your home in the event that you cannot use your office due to any quarantine or containment requirements in your area).

  • Phone sessions may not be covered by your clients' insurance plans—check with their insurance provider.

  • If you do not currently provide services in this manner, check with your payers to verify that they will reimburse for services provided this way.

  • Consult NASW’s Technology Standards for additional guidance.

Please check with the NASW Illinois MyNASW Community for continued updates and discussion. We will continue to update the conversation as we receive information from resources.

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