Michael Mallory, MSW, LCSW, Chicago District Chair

Happy Spring Everyone!
With the transition of seasons comes the inevitable cycle of change; change of our clothing, change of our routines, change of scenery, and the reawakening of nature. While we trek deeper into the month of April, we are gearing up for changes related to our chapter’s leadership structure—yes, it’s that time of year for chapter elections. Please keep an eye out for your ballot as the election is taking place throughout the month of April. Click HERE to read more about the talented social workers who are running for a board role.
Additionally, the chapter is looking for nominations for our annual Social Work Awards. This is a great opportunity to honor your colleagues in the field for the important work they are doing. Please note that nominations are due by April 22nd and in order to nominate someone, you will need to request a nomination form. Read ME to learn more about this process.
For those of you interested in our advocacy work, please remember that Advocacy Day has returned and if you are interested in participating, you need to register by tomorrow, April 5th. Please note that if you are participating in this event that you are highly encouraged to attend or view the pre-Advocacy Day training which will introduce the bills that we will be advocating for. Click HERE to learn more about this year’s Advocacy Day.

Needless to say, this is a month full of important social work-related events. I have provided a list of updates below that may be of interest to you.
Wishing you all a safe and prosperous April.
Humbly yours,
Ask NASW-IL: How can I utilize the alternative to the ASWB exam to get my LCSW?
An updated version of the social work license application utilizing the alternative to the ASWB clinical exam for clinical (LCSW) licensure in Illinois has been released by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR). This updated application incorporates an allowance provided by House Bill 2365, and provides a way for applicants who were unable to pass the ASWB clinical exam an alternative path to obtaining their LCSW. Read more about how to utilize the alternative to the ASWB exam for getting your LCSW by clicking here.
Licensure Renewal Updates
2025 NASW-IL Guide to Licensure Renewal
This renewal period already has some confirmed changes and like other cycles there will be more to come. I highly encourage all of you to check out the changes. There are some new CE requirements including implicit bias awareness and mandated reporting with implicit bias. Also, with the removal of the in-person CE requirement the state is now requiring any virtual training program to include an examination. Please check out the more detailed article about these changes HERE.
Clarification on CEU courses and fulfilling 2-ceu requirements at once:
With the addition of new CEU requirements there is potential for overlap in training topics and that a course may appear to cover topics applicable to multiple requirements. Unfortunately, you will not be able to count that specific training toward multiple CEUs. I encourage you to read this article to learn more about this issue. Click ME!
NASW-IL 2024 Conference – we need presenters!
This year's annual conference has been announced! This year's 2024 NASW Chapters Virtual Conference: Empowering Social Workers will be hosted by the NASW-Illinois, Nevada, and North Dakota Chapters, and take place on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8, 2024. Presenters are invited to submit 60-minute presentations on a diverse array of topics including (but not limited to) cultural competency and implicit bias as it affects the social work profession. Preference will be given to dynamic presenters whose presentations are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. To read more about presentation requirements as well as submit a presentation, click here. If you are interested in submitting a proposed presentation you will need to do so by 9am on May 1st.