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February 2020 - Jane Addams District Update


Patricia Schofield, Jane Addams District Chair

Hello Jane Addams District Members,

We made it through January and are well into February. During this month, tune into PBS to celebrate Black History Month and enjoy musical performances, Oscar-nominated documentaries, and profiles of individuals who forged new paths in science, civil rights, sports, and so much more.

WELCOME to Jane Addams District all new and renewing members: Leon Black, Linda Kyle,

Fred Martine, Karla Miley Natalie Moeller, Mary Sheenhan, and Scott Stange. Thank you for your continued support.

I had planned for two events in March but have not been able to finalize plans prior to this monthly update. So, thank you in advance for your patience, and watch your e-mail for the detailed information

Social Work Month is March and I’m wishing everyone a month of celebrating yourself and knowing you are valued and appreciated. This is a good time to remind each other that NASW is the largest membership organization of social workers in the world. The theme for Social Work Month 2020 is Social Workers: Generations Strong. Be sure to check out the national NASW website to find a variety of documents to download and personalize your celebration.

2020 ADVOCACY DAY & RALLY: Thursday, April 2, 2020

This event takes place at the state Capital, in Springfield, Illinois. Join an anticipated 900+ social workers and social work students from across the state to attend a half day of educational seminars followed by lobbying in the state capital.

Registration deadline: March 27th

Interested in learning more about the board and board position responsibilities? Take a look at the 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Board Leadership Recruitment Packet by checking out the links below. Deadline: March 1, 2020

Board Recruitment Packet:

As always, I’m open to ideas and suggestions for events that will benefit the members of our district. That is my purpose as District Chair. Please feel free to contact me.

Best regards

Patricia Schofield

Jane Addams District Chair

Cell: 309-540-9915

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