Mary Garrison, LCSW, ACSW East Central District Chair

Hello East Central District Members!
As I write this we are all facing many stressors including the increase of COVID-19 cases, the election and what stress we have from everyday life. Please be sure take time for yourself and practice self-care – it is SO critical that we all do that. We will get through this and come out the other end stronger and better.

Welcome to our newest members and to those that have renewed your membership – we are so glad you are a part of the NASW-Illinois Chapter family. 😊
LAST CHANCE! Rethinking Ethics: 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Virtual Conference
There’s still time to register for this year’s Rethinking Ethics: 2020 NASW-Illinois Chapter Conference! Earn up to 6.0 CEUs including licensure requirements for ethics and trainings on sexual harassment prevention and mandated reporting. There’s just over one year left to get your 30 CEUs for renewal! Read more and register here:
NASW-IL Task Force on Racial Justice
Some of you may have noticed our recent news item about the NASW-Illinois Chapter Task Force on Racial Justice. The task force will be presenting their recommendations to the chapter board at the November board meeting and posted to the chapter website mid-November. Thanks to all who responded to this survey.
Updates on Licensure Renewal & Telehealth Practice During COVID-19
As mentioned in a recent e-mail to the entire membership, the chapter was successful in getting the in-person CEU requirement waived by IDFPR for licensure renewal. The follow-up question to this is, what are the requirements for the 2021 renewal deadline again? In case you missed it, below are links to read our past articles on licensure requirements for 2021 as well as update on telehealth practice.
Recent updates on licensure requirements for the 2021 cycle:
Recent Updates on Telehealth Practice in IL:
In-Person CEU Waiver:
Other Chapter News
National Social Work Organizations Oppose Elimination of Texas LGBTQ and Disability Protections:
Telehealth Services Extended in Illinois through November 14, 2020:
NASW-IL PAC Endorsements:
NASW-IL Efforts Successful in Getting In-Person CEU Requirements Waived by IDFPR:
Leading Social Work Organization Protests Fast-Tracking of Supreme Court Justice Appointment:
Community-Based Crisis Response Legislation Introduced:
NASW-PACE joins Healthcare Workers for Biden/Harris:
NASW urges Senate to conduct Supreme Court nomination process after election and inauguration:
For more, go to the NASW-Illinois Chapter News page: