Lynn Zakeri, Northeastern District Chair
I am enjoying the fall weather and sunshine and hope you are taking some time to take care of yourselves this fall now that summer is over and we are all likely back in a routine. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our (sold out) event at Curt’s in October. Remember to cancel your registration if you can no longer attend so our waitlist can bump up.
The NASW-Illinois Chapter has a lot going on this season. Our conference is coming up, our licensure renewal is approaching, and nationally, NASW is still running their membership drive where we get a gift for referring someone:
I will be planning some events for 2020 soon. I am hoping to have part 2 of our marriage and infidelity workshop that was so popular in the spring, as well as have an attorney present on ethics. As always, if you want to host an event, suggest a speaker, or offer any feedback, send me an e-mail. I always enjoy hearing from other members.