Lynn Zakeri, Northeastern District Chair

Thank you, thank you to those that participated in our panel last month. It was really good to see some of your faces. I hope you are heading into your spring feeling hopeful and healthy. As always, thank you for your continued kind e-mails and even moreso your participation with NASW who seems to be working overtime lately with all that is going on. I am including many NASW updates below.
Chapter Elections
The 2021 NASW-Illinois Chapter Elections for open positions on the chapter board of directors will take place from April 1–30, 2021. An article featuring all candidates and their bios will go live on the chapter ‘News’ page that day while election ballots will be sent out via SurveyMonkey later on. Please be sure to have your selections ready before opening the electronic ballot as the ballot link can only be opened once. Remember to take time and vote in this year’s chapter elections!
2021 Virtual Advocacy Day
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Join us for a day of advocacy with other social work professionals and students as we virtually descend upon the state capital in Springfield! The day will include a morning educational session (3.0 CEUs) on emerging issues and updates on up-to-the-minute legislation currently up for vote in the Capitol. Unite your voices with hundreds of other social work colleagues on issues that affect the social work profession in Illinois by taking part in in this virtual day of advocacy. Read more here:
Call for Presenters! 2021 NASW Chapters Conference
DEADLINE: Monday, April 12, 2021
The NASW-Illinois Chapter is opening a call for presentations that are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. We are seeking one-hour presentations that are creative, interactive, and audience-engaged. Proposals should have dynamic presenters who can lead social workers through discussions and peer-sharing about topics relating to social work practice and must fulfill IDFPR requirements for CEU education. Read more here:
2021 NASW-IL Social Work Awards
DEADLINE: July 30, 2021
Nominations are now being accepted for the annual NASW-Illinois Chapter Social Work Awards! This year, we are looking for outstanding individuals whose work has supported and promoted the social work profession and the people it serves. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, July 30, 2021. Find out more here:

Take care of yourself this month as you take care of so many others.