Patricia Schofield, Jane Addams District Chair
Greetings Jane Addams District Members!
I hope this finds you all doing well and partaking in lots of summer fun activities. As members of NASW, we are aware we belong to the professional organization most committed to our success as a social worker. NASW-IL keeps us on top of news and information regarding our professional development, changes in government regulations, breakthrough treatments, and innovative resources. Our chapter works every day to help support us and the populations we serve. So, welcome all new and renewing members! We thank you for your membership because together, we keep our chapter strong.
NASW-IL Chicago District Virtual Job Fair
NASW-Illinois Chapter Chicago District Chair Michael Mallory would like to invite you to participate in this year’s first ever NASW-IL Chicago District Virtual Job Fair! Taking place on Friday, August 20, 2021, from 12:00 to 3:00pm, this job fair is free to job seekers. Remember to invite agencies you belong to or work with to be a part of this great event.
A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference
This year’s biannual conference is going national! A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference will be hosted with our sister chapters in North Dakota and Nevada. Taking place on October 21 & 22, 2021, up to 8.0 CEUs will be available over the two afternoons. Find out more at
Thanks goes out to Justin Wolfe for an outstanding presentation last week, and thanks to all who participated. CEUs will be mailed out shortly. If you missed the event, it was recorded as are most all the past events. We will be hosting an event later this fall, so if you have topic ideas or know a great presenter, please contact me. As this is a renewal year you may want to check out these links for what is available.
Social Work Online CE Institute:
Upcoming Live Virtual Events:
You may want to join one of these Shared Interest Groups (SIGS —click this link for information or to join:
We can anticipate the transition back into the classroom this fall will be challenging and things will be different again. I want to thank each one of you for all you do and all you will do.
Patricia Schofield
Jane Addams District Chair