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February 2021 - Chicago District Update


Michael Mallory, Chicago District Chair

Hello Chicago District,

I hope all of you are well and are acclimating well to 2021! As reminder, this is a renewal year for all you licensed folx. That said, please remember to tally up your CEUs and ensure that you have captured the specific requirements needed for your renewals in November. I have received some requests to share any available FREE CEUs that I may come across. Below the body of this message, you will find links to different CEU opportunities, some are low-cost. At this time, I have not stumbled upon many free CEU events at this time. If any of you would like to share some with the group, please send me an e-mail or feel free to use our MyNASW message board.

As a reminder, NASW-Illinois Chapter has modified how the chapters conduct educational training opportunities. Starting January 1, 2021, the NASW-Illinois Chapter will be suspending district-hosted education and will be working district chairs to co-host more virtual events statewide. District chairs will remain essential in providing speaker and topic suggestions to the chapter—this will help to ensure a diverse array of speakers from around the state as well as a variety in topics that appeal to all of our members. This change is only until December 1, 2021, or until it is safe to resume in-person education. For those licensed social workers, please remember that the coming year is a renewal year. You know what that means—CEUs!

Previous to this change of responsibility, I had been working with a colleague on developing a training opportunity related to burnout during the pandemic. This training has been secured and will be hosted on February 26, 2020, at 9:00am. If you are interested in attending please click here.

In my previous district update, I mentioned working on a job fair for our community, but this event is to be postponed due to a larger virtual career fair that will be held in March hosted by the National NASW office. [Please click here if you’d like to learn more]. In lieu of my original event, I am currently working with a potential partner to host different workshops for our district with possible CEU eligibility. I hope to have more information later this about the feasibility of this partnership.

Humbly yours,


Below are some professional-related links and information:

CEU Opportunities

CEU questions?

COVID – 19 Vaccination Information

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