Patricia Schofield, Jane Addams District Chair

Hello Jane Addams District Members,
Happy May Day! I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful spring full of blossoms, budding trees, and migrating birds.
Welcome to all our news members and a big thank you to all renewing members. Your membership is what keeps our chapter strong and able to be a voice for all social workers and clients. Also, remember you can give your support or express your opinion on current legislation by lending your voice on NASW-IL Advocacy Alerts:
Thank you for taking the time to vote in your chapter elections. Please check our website in the coming weeks to view the results.
4th Quarter Event Help
Looking for a district member to be our speaker at our 4th quarter event. You choose the topic! Now, there are lots of you who give educational presentations, and it would be fantastic to have one of our own. Please contact me if you have a presentation for presentation in July. Also, know that NASW is always looking for volunteer speakers. If you speak or train on a particular topic, consider sharing your skills. Please complete the volunteer speaker application form
Nominations are being accepted for the annual NASW Illinois Chapter Social Work Awards. Consider reviewing the nomination form as it will assist you in recognizing who deserves this honor. The categories are Social Worker of the Year, Lifetime Achievement, Public Citizen, Emerging Leader. It would be awesome to have a winner form our Jane Addams District! The deadline is July 31st.
As this is a license renewal year, I hope many of you have taken advantage of all the educational opportunities made available on the NASW "Events"page.
Happy May!

Patricia Schofield
Jane Addams District Chair