Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP East Central District Chair
East Central District Update 11/3/21
Next District Event: Ethics in a Pandemic
Looking for an ethics training that will help you *apply* what you know about ethics to the complexities of practicing social work in the context of a major worldwide health crisis? (Pandemic, anyone?) Look no further! As part of this one-hour event, you will learn how to apply the NASW Code of Ethics to your practice, specifically in the context of the broad health and social challenges of a pandemic. Ethical decision-making, as well as how to ensure appropriate self-care and avoid burnout, will also be core components of this training event.
You also might recognize the presenter for this ethics CEU event: our very own Mary Garrison, former NASW IL East Central District Chair, Professor of Social Work, and chair of the NASW-Illinois Chapter Ethics Committee! The event will be held virtually, via Zoom, on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, from 12:00 to 1:00pm. For more information, and to register for this event, please visit:
Illinois Licensure Renewal Extension
In case you hadn’t noticed, online licensure renewal has not been available on the IDFPR website. Have no fear! The state has extended the deadline for social workers to renew their licenses until February 28, 2022, instead of the original expiration date of November 30, 2021. CEUs for this renewal period may also be obtained until February 28, 2022. For more information, check out:
Native American Heritage Month
Please take a moment to consider how you might celebrate and honor indigenous peoples during the month of November. Here is a great resource about the application of decolonization to social work practice:
And if you need some great children’s books, check out this link!
Thank you,
Melissa Box, LCSW, LSOE, LSOTP