Diona Shelton, DSW, LCSW, CATP, CCTP
Southern District Chair

Welcome to June, Southern District!
The month of June is packed with awareness and celebrations. From Pride, PTSD Awareness, and Immigrant Heritage to Juneteenth, we commemorate many celebrations this month as we kick off the summer. As we move forward into this season, it is my hope that social workers take time to recognize the rich diversity that this month brings to our society. I want to warmly thank and appreciate everyone who attended our CEU event last month. It was a pleasure to meet many of you from both near and far who traveled to attend our district event.
I am always humbled and truly honored to serve in this capacity and am pleased to meet other social work professionals in various practice fields across the state of Illinois. I also want to extend a gracious thanks and appreciation to our presenter, Ky A. Miller, MSW, LCSW, who generously shared their knowledge and expertise on ways social workers can support the LGBTQ+ community. It is my desire to continue to bring quality training to our district to better support social workers and the communities in which we serve. If you would like to be considered to present on a topic of expertise that impacts social workers or would like to recommend another, please feel free to contact me. It is my belief that our district is more efficient when we work collaboratively to move our profession forward.

In Gratitude,
Dr. Diona Shelton, DSW, LCSW, CATP, CCTP
NASW-IL Southern District Chair
Call for Presenters! 2023 NASW Chapters Conference
This year's annual conference has been announced! This year's 2023 NASW Chapters Conference: A Meeting of the Profession will be a two-day conference hosted with our sister chapters, NASW-Nevada and NASW-North Dakota, and take place live virtually on Thursday, November 2 & Friday, November 3, 2023. The conference will be hosted on Pheedloop, an online conference platform. Presenters are invited to submit presentations on all topics relating to the social work profession (1.5-hour in length) as well as specialty topics on cultural competency, ethics, implicit bias, and suicide prevention (various lengths). Read more: https://www.naswil.org/post/call-for-presenters-2023-nasw-illinois-chapter-conference
Ask NASW-IL: Ask NASW-IL: Has there been any update on removal of the in-person requirement for licensure?
This February, we shared news that Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) officials informed us that a proposal had been drafted to entirely remove the in-person continuing education requirement from licensure renewal. The rule then entered a period for public comment, and we are now waiting for the new rule to be voted on and passed, at which point, the in-person requirement for continuing education will be completely removed as a licensure requirement for LSWs and LCSWs. Read more here: https://www.naswil.org/post/ask-nasw-il-has-there-been-any-update-on-removal-of-the-in-person-requirement-for-licensure
Other Chapter News
· Learn More About Social Work Exam Alternative Bill HB2365 SA1: https://www.naswil.org/post/learn-more-about-social-work-exam-alternate-bill-hb2365-ha1
· 2023 NASW-Illinois Chapter Election Results: https://www.naswil.org/post/2023-nasw-illinois-chapter-election-results
· Wanted: 2023–2024 Social Work Intern for NASW-Illinois Chapter: https://www.naswil.org/post/wanted-2023-2024-social-work-intern-for-nasw-illinois-chapter
· CMS Approves Illinois Proposal to Expand Access to Care for Kids in Schools: https://www.naswil.org/post/cms-approves-illinois-proposal-to-expand-access-to-care-for-kids-in-schools
· Pritzker signs bill on healthcare staffing as pandemic-era emergency rules expire: https://www.naswil.org/post/pritzker-signs-bill-on-healthcare-staffing-as-pandemic-era-emergency-rules-expire
· Ask NASW-IL: Can a CEU course fulfill 2 CEU specialties at once? https://www.naswil.org/post/ask-nasw-il-can-a-ceu-course-fulfill-2-ceu-specialties-at-once
· NASW supports lawmakers punished for supporting gender-affirming care, sensible gun laws: https://www.naswil.org/post/nasw-supports-lawmakers-punished-for-supporting-gender-affirming-care-sensible-gun-laws
· Social Work Profession One Step Closer to Interstate Licensure Compact: https://www.naswil.org/post/social-work-profession-one-step-closer-to-interstate-licensure-compact
· Ask NASW-IL: Will this course count for CEUs in Illinois? - https://www.naswil.org/post/ask-nasw-il-will-this-course-count-for-ceus-in-illinois
· February 14, 2023 Update on the Social Work Interstate Compact: https://www.naswil.org/post/february-14-2023-update-on-the-social-work-interstate-compact
For more news, go to the NASW-Illinois Chapter News page: https://www.naswil.org/blog