Diana Alejandro, Three Rivers District Update

Happy New Year to the Three Rivers District!
I hope you were able to celebrate these holidays to the fullest and that the memories you created will carry you through the coming months. The new year a time of reflection toward the future and making resolutions. My resolution is to be more present with my family, friends and colleagues – and to continue spreading the mission of NASW.
Chapter News
The chapter is now accepting nominations for the upcoming 2020 elections. There are many positions open for the next board cycle beginning July 1, 2020. If you are considering running for a position on the board, please notify us so we know which positions are slotted. I encourage you to consider running for a position. More details can be found here: https://www.naswil.org/post/join-the-nasw-illinois-chapter-board-of-directors
Nomination Form: https://naswil.wufoo.com/forms/2020-board-of-directors-nomination-form/
2020 Leadership Recruitment Packet (Deadline: March 1, 2020): https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/e1c37a_19c69c8532454ec7b87a91f7d7e2866d.pdf
NASW Public Statement on SNAP Final Rule on Work Requirements: https://www.naswil.org/post/nasw-public-statement-on-snap-final-rule-on-work-requirements
2020 Natalie M. Ross Scholarship for Professional Development in Aging: https://www.naswil.org/post/2020-natalie-m-ross-scholarship-for-professional-development-in-aging
Graduate Students Can Now Take LSW Exam Before Graduation: https://www.naswil.org/post/graduate-students-can-now-take-lsw-exam-before-graduation
NASW Illinois MyNASW Community: https://www.naswil.org/post/nasw-illinois-mynasw-community
Upcoming Three Rivers District Events
The wheels are in motion for our first Three Rivers District event of the year which will be in February 2020, followed by our March Social Work Month celebration. This year’s theme is Social Worker’s Generations Strong. Stay tuned for further details via email!
As always I will be on the lookout for suggestions of events you’d like to have in our district. Please feel free to reach out via email at Threerivers.naswil@socialworkers.org.

Hope to see you soon.
If you want to protect yourself and your car on rough roads, it is better to buy coilover parts. This detail will improve cushioning.
Ukraine is currently at war and thousands of innocent people are dying, who simply lived in their own country and did their usual things. Russia has declared war on Ukraine and is killing civilians. To read true information or help Ukraine go to the site
This fund provides assistance to the Ukrainian military and brings Ukraine's victory over Russia closer.