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May 2021 - East Central District Update

Mary Garrison, LCSW, ACSW East Central District Chair

Hello all, and happy May! I hope this update finds you well and holding on to hope that we are moving forward in the pandemic. Let’s be hopeful there is an end in sight! I hope you are all staying “self-focused.”

I am winding down my term as your East Central District Chair, and we will welcome a new colleague to take over—yay! Please check our “News” page in the coming weeks as results are announced.

Welcome to our newest members and to those that have renewed your membership. We are so glad you are a part of the NASW-Illinois Chapter family.


Call for Chapter Ethics Committee (CEC) members. Our chapter ethics committee is seeking new members and would love YOU to consider joining. To learn more about our committee and the call, please check this link out and let me know if you have any questions (I am a member of the CEC so please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions!):

2021 NASW-IL Social Work Awards

DEADLINE: July 30, 2021

Nominations are now being accepted for the annual NASW-Illinois Chapter Social Work Awards! This year, we are looking for outstanding individuals whose work has supported and promoted the social work profession and the people it serves. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, July 30, 2021. Find out more here:

A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference (Live Virtual)

This year’s biannual conference is going national! This year’s A Meeting of the Profession: 2021 Multistate NASW Conference will be hosted with our sister chapters in North Dakota and Nevada. Taking place on October 21 & 22, 2021, up to 8.0 CEUs will be available over the two afternoons. Please stay tuned as we announce conference workshops and more details in the coming weeks with registration opening in June. Join us for a virtual day of education with social workers from all over the US as we explore the latest advancements in the social work profession in 2021!


ICYMI (In Case You Missed It!): Updates on Licensure Renewal & Telehealth Practice During COVID-19

For more news, go to the NASW-Illinois Chapter News page:

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